Planck at MPA

MPA's Role in the Project

As a European mission, Planck is being planned and will be operated by a consortium of groups and institutions across Europe. The Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching represents Germany in this consortium. Specifically, part of the software system required for Planck data processing and information exchange within the consortium was developed at MPA, the development and use of a data simulation pipeline for Planck is coordinated by MPA.

Work at MPA related to the Planck mission commenced in 1998. A team of scientists and software designers was set up, and the design of a data-analysis software prototype was started in due course. This team was supported by the General Administration of the Max-Planck Society until late 1999, when Germany's space agency (DLR) started to provide substantial support. This allows an appropriate expansion of the team as the project progresses. Currently, the team is working on two areas, i.e. the data-simulation pipeline, the software infrastructure for data analysis.

The MPA Planck Group

The following people are members of the MPA Planck Group: The following people are associated with the MPA Planck Group:


MPAC Group Site
Planck News